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How To Buy

How To Buy Spell Token (SPELL) On Binance

About SPELL TOKEN is a platform that allows users to deposit collateral in the form of interest-bearing crypto assets (such as yvYFI, yvUSDT, yvUSDC, xSUSHI) in order to mint MIM, a stablecoin that aims to maintain a value of $1.00


As of 12/24/21 the price of Spell Token has risen by 78.43% in the past 7 days. The price declined by 6.66% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price shrunk by 2.49%. The current price is $0.02314 per SPELL. Spell Token is 100.00% below the all time high of $2,960,072.57.The current circulating supply is 78,746,234,207.869 SPELL.

How To Buy SPELL TOKEN (SPELL) on Binance

There are multiple exchanges where you can buy SPELL TOKEN but we suggest Binance since it has the quickest transaction times and the most trading pairs on the market.

Step 1: Sign Up With Binance.

You will need a Binance account that has been verified and validated to be able to buy, sell, and swap SPELL TOKEN on the BNB exchange.

Sign Up With Binance button

Step 2: Deposite Fiat or Other Crypto Into Binance Wallet.

The best way to start buying and trading SPELL TOKEN on Binance is to connect a bank account to do an ACH transfer which is the quickest and has the least fees. Second, connecting a debit card which is great for quick deposits of smaller amounts. Lastly, you can do a domestic wire transfer which is the best for larger amounts of cash but also comes with wire fees.

Step 3: Buy Tether (USDT) or Perfered Trading Pair.

Tether (USDT) is a token that was created to always be equal to $1 USD which will ensure that the money you put into Binance will stay stable and not fluctuate drastically like most other cryptocurrencies.


Now that you have your fiat converted to Tether (USDT) you can buy almost any crypto pairs that are available on the Binance market, including SPELL.

Buy SPELL TOKEN on Binance Using Web Browser:

With USDT in your Binance account, you can now click Trade, then Markets, in the navigation menu then search the Binance market for SPELL TOKEN (Make sure USDT is selected in the options). The second way is to go to your wallet, click the “Buy Crypto” button (Yellow button with the arrows), click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select SPELL TOKEN. Lastly, you can select “Buy Crypto” from the navigation menu and click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select SPELL TOKEN and buy.

NOTE: If you aren’t able to find SPELL TOKEN when you search for it, make sure you are using your USDT as a trading pair.

Buy SPELL TOKEN on Binance Using Mobile App:

With USDT in your Binance account open the mobile app, select the market tab on the bottom (the icon with 4 lines), then select the USDT tab on top, then search for SPELL TOKEN using the search function on the top right. The second way to buy on the mobile app is by selecting the wallet tab (Middle button on the bottom that looks like a wallet), selecting the yellow “Buy / Sell” button, select “Buy Crypto”, then search for SPELL using the search function on the top right.

Step 5: Store Crypto In Safe Place.

If you plan on saving your SPELL TOKEN for a long period of time (More than a few months) then it is smart to store it in a wallet off of Binance such as Ledger, Tresor, or Exodus.


SPELL TOKEN CoinMarketCap Charts


How To Buy

How To Buy TerraUSD (UST) On Binance

About TerraUSD

The decentralized and algorithmic stablecoin of the Terra blockchain is TerraUSD (UST). It’s a yield-bearing coin that is value-pegged to the US Dollar and has a high level of scalability. TerraUSD was created to give value to the Terra community as well as provide a scalable solution for DeFi

The benefits of utilizing TerraUSD as a stablecoin have made it a standout stand-out rival. UST fulfills the criteria of DeFi protocols that it employs while maintaining scalability because to its minting mechanism. By simply integrating TerraUSD as a payment option, you may easily add UST to cryptocurrency wallets.

DApps is another area where TerraUSD has demonstrated its strength. For example, DApp platforms that create fungible synthetic assets and track real-world asset values utilize UST as a reference price.

The UST stablecoin was released in September 2020 (in collaboration with Bittrex Global). Since then, it has earned a reputation as the most scalable sustainable currency. The non-stable coin LUNA or TerraUSD can be utilized together with UST, or it may be used separately.

Price of TerraUSD

TerraUSD price today (12/24/21) is $1.00 with a 24-hour trading volume of $232,921,475. UST price is up 0.0% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 9.7 Billion UST coins and a total supply of 9.71 Billion. If you are looking to buy or sell TerraUSD, KuCoin is currently the most active exchange.

How To Buy TerraUSD (UST) on Binance

There are multiple exchanges where you can buy TerraUSD but we suggest Binance since it has the quickest transaction times and the most trading pairs on the market.

Step 1: Sign Up With Binance.

You will need a Binance account that has been verified and validated to be able to buy, sell, and swap TerraUSD on the BNB exchange.

Sign Up With Binance button

Step 2: Deposite Fiat or Other Crypto Into Binance Wallet.

The best way to start buying and trading TerraUSD on Binance is to connect a bank account to do an ACH transfer which is the quickest and has the least fees. Second, connecting a debit card which is great for quick deposits of smaller amounts. Lastly, you can do a domestic wire transfer which is the best for larger amounts of cash but also comes with wire fees.

Step 3: Buy Tether (USDT) or Perfered Trading Pair.

Tether (USDT) is a token that was created to always be equal to $1 USD which will ensure that the money you put into Binance will stay stable and not fluctuate drastically like most other cryptocurrencies.

Step 4: Buy TerraUSD (UST).

Now that you have your fiat converted to Tether (USDT) you can buy almost any crypto pairs that are available on the Binance market, including UST.

Buy TerraUSD on Binance Using Web Browser:

With USDT in your Binance account, you can now click Trade, then Markets, in the navigation menu then search the Binance market for TerraUSD (Make sure USDT is selected in the options). The second way is to go to your wallet, click the “Buy Crypto” button (Yellow button with the arrows), click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select TerraUSD. Lastly, you can select “Buy Crypto” from the navigation menu and click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select TerraUSD and buy.

NOTE: If you aren’t able to find TerraUSD when you search for it, make sure you are using your USDT as a trading pair.

Buy TerraUSD on Binance Using Mobile App:

With USDT in your Binance account open the mobile app, select the market tab on the bottom (the icon with 4 lines), then select the USDT tab on top, then search for TerraUSD using the search function on the top right. The second way to buy on the mobile app is by selecting the wallet tab (Middle button on the bottom that looks like a wallet), selecting the yellow “Buy / Sell” button, select “Buy Crypto”, then search for UST using the search function on the top right.

Step 5: Store Crypto In Safe Place.

If you plan on saving your TerraUSD for a long period of time (More than a few months) then it is smart to store it in a wallet off of Binance such as Ledger, Tresor, or Exodus.

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How To Buy

How To Buy Convex Finance (CVX) On Binance


CVX is a cutting-edge DeFi protocol developed on top of Curve Finance, a cryptocurrency exchange. Convex Finance (CVX) is an innovative DeFi platform built on top of the stablecoin exchange Curve Finance. In essence, Convex pays extra DeFi returns to Curve liquidity providers and CRV stakers.

Convex’s aggressive pursuit to secure as much Curve liquidity as possible has brought the protocol into a DeFi conflict with Yearn Finance. Both initiatives want all of the CRV tokens they can acquire in order to continue raising interest rates for Curve LPs.

Curve Finance is now the world’s largest decentralized exchange by total value trapped ($8.76 billion). As a result, any DeFi protocol that absorbs this liquidity into its own system will be massive by default, which is why Yearn and Convex are competing.


Convex Finance price today (12/24/21) is $42.26 with a 24-hour trading volume of $70,970,223. CVX price is up 4.3% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 43 Million CVX coins and a total supply of 79.3 Million.

How To Buy CONVEX FINANCE (CVX) on Binance

There are multiple exchanges where you can buy CONVEX FINANCE but we suggest Binance since it has the quickest transaction times and the most trading pairs on the market.

Step 1: Sign Up With Binance.

You will need a Binance account that has been verified and validated to be able to buy, sell, and swap CONVEX FINANCE on the BNB exchange.

Sign Up With Binance button

Step 2: Deposite Fiat or Other Crypto Into Binance Wallet.

The best way to start buying and trading CONVEX FINANCE on Binance is to connect a bank account to do an ACH transfer which is the quickest and has the least fees. Second, connecting a debit card which is great for quick deposits of smaller amounts. Lastly, you can do a domestic wire transfer which is the best for larger amounts of cash but also comes with wire fees.

Step 3: Buy Tether (USDT) or Perfered Trading Pair.

Tether (USDT) is a token that was created to always be equal to $1 USD which will ensure that the money you put into Binance will stay stable and not fluctuate drastically like most other cryptocurrencies.


Now that you have your fiat converted to Tether (USDT) you can buy almost any crypto pairs that are available on the Binance market, including CVX.

Buy CONVEX FINANCE on Binance Using Web Browser:

With USDT in your Binance account, you can now click Trade, then Markets, in the navigation menu then search the Binance market for CONVEX FINANCE (Make sure USDT is selected in the options). The second way is to go to your wallet, click the “Buy Crypto” button (Yellow button with the arrows), click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select CONVEX FINANCE. Lastly, you can select “Buy Crypto” from the navigation menu and click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select CONVEX FINANCE and buy.

NOTE: If you aren’t able to find CONVEX FINANCE when you search for it, make sure you are using your USDT as a trading pair.

Buy CONVEX FINANCE on Binance Using Mobile App:

With USDT in your Binance account open the mobile app, select the market tab on the bottom (the icon with 4 lines), then select the USDT tab on top, then search for CONVEX FINANCE using the search function on the top right. The second way to buy on the mobile app is by selecting the wallet tab (Middle button on the bottom that looks like a wallet), selecting the yellow “Buy / Sell” button, select “Buy Crypto”, then search for CVX using the search function on the top right.

Step 5: Store Crypto In Safe Place.

If you plan on saving your CONVEX FINANCE for a long period of time (More than a few months) then it is smart to store it in a wallet off of Binance such as Ledger, Tresor, or Exodus.


CONVEX FINANCE CoinMarketCap Charts


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How To Buy FLUX (FLUX) On Binance

About FLUX

The New Internet needs a stable, secure foundation for the foreseeable future. Flux is crucial to providing that dependable infrastructure. Projects and development teams may use FluxOS without relying on the Flux blockchain, so they retain access to vital infrastructures while still maintaining all of their chain’s distinctive characteristics.

Price of FLUX

How To Buy FLUX (FLUX) on Binance

There are multiple exchanges where you can buy FLUX but we suggest Binance since it has the quickest transaction times and the most trading pairs on the market.

Step 1: Sign Up With Binance.

You will need a Binance account that has been verified and validated to be able to buy, sell, and swap FLUX on the BNB exchange.

Sign Up With Binance button

Step 2: Deposite Fiat or Other Crypto Into Binance Wallet.

The best way to start buying and trading FLUX on Binance is to connect a bank account to do an ACH transfer which is the quickest and has the least fees. Second, connecting a debit card which is great for quick deposits of smaller amounts. Lastly, you can do a domestic wire transfer which is the best for larger amounts of cash but also comes with wire fees.

Step 3: Buy Tether (USDT) or Perfered Trading Pair.

Tether (USDT) is a token that was created to always be equal to $1 USD which will ensure that the money you put into Binance will stay stable and not fluctuate drastically like most other cryptocurrencies.

Step 4: Buy FLUX (FLUX).

Now that you have your fiat converted to Tether (USDT) you can buy almost any crypto pairs that are available on the Binance market, including FLUX.

Buy FLUX on Binance Using Web Browser:

With USDT in your Binance account, you can now click Trade, then Markets, in the navigation menu then search the Binance market for FLUX (Make sure USDT is selected in the options). The second way is to go to your wallet, click the “Buy Crypto” button (Yellow button with the arrows), click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select FLUX. Lastly, you can select “Buy Crypto” from the navigation menu and click where Bitcoin is selected then search and select FLUX and buy.

NOTE: If you aren’t able to find FLUX when you search for it, make sure you are using your USDT as a trading pair.

Buy FLUX on Binance Using Mobile App:

With USDT in your Binance account open the mobile app, select the market tab on the bottom (the icon with 4 lines), then select the USDT tab on top, then search for FLUX using the search function on the top right. The second way to buy on the mobile app is by selecting the wallet tab (Middle button on the bottom that looks like a wallet), selecting the yellow “Buy / Sell” button, select “Buy Crypto”, then search for FLUX using the search function on the top right.

Step 5: Store Crypto In Safe Place.

If you plan on saving your FLUX for a long period of time (More than a few months) then it is smart to store it in a wallet off of Binance such as Ledger, Tresor, or Exodus.

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